Mary is a wife, a mom, a next-door neighbor type -- but with an exceptional gift of prophetic revelation and accuracy. A pastor, a teacher, and a counselor, to be sure, she fundamentally ministers as a demonstration of the gift of prophecy (1 Corinthians 12:10). This means that she, by definition, hears and interprets divine will and purpose. But her ministry also reminds the New Testament believer that God is speaking today, and that He expects to be heard by His people. In Mary's case, the gift of prophecy has been entrusted to a compassionate, caring, and scrupulous individual who serves in ministry only to build-up the Body of Christ, and to guide the unbeliever to Jesus. She has as of late been visiting with churches and Christian groups around the nation teaching, demonstrating and encouraging Believers to step out in the utilization of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Don’t miss this exciting speaker as she shares her wisdom and revelation of what God is doing in Hilo in this hour. All are welcome!
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